Finalists for park name

Finding the perfect name can be difficult, so a Turner Valley committee is turning to the public to choose the name of a southwest park.

The Turner Valley Paths, Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee received 26 submissions for their Name That Park contest for the playground on the intersections of Robert and John Streets.

The names were shortlisted to five and the public has until June 3 to select a favourite by going to

The shortlisted names are Perdue Park (honouring former Turner Valley RCMP Const. Jeremy Perdue), Junction Park, Minue Park (after Turner Valley School’s first male teacher Gordon Minue), Sandeman Park (after a prominent family) and Parky McParkface (imitating the contest for a coast guard vessel in England).

“There were quite a few other names that came up that were honouring people but they’re already used,” said committee chairperson Irene Waring. “You need something a little bit different.”

The public was invited to make suggestions on the Town’s website between May 9 and May 17.

“I thought there would be more uptake from it but I’m thinking now that we’ve got the final names I’m pretty sure we will get more people voting on them, especially with some of the ones that are there,” she said.

Waring said a name will be chosen in early June. When the last pieces of playground equipment are in place, the Town will host a ceremony - likely this summer.

The park was built by the area’s developer about 10 years ago and initially consisted of one piece of equipment.

In recent years the Town received complaints that the park wasn’t adequate for the number of young families living in the neighbourhood.

Last year, the Town relocated playground equipment at Hells Half Acre Campground to the park to make room for the Lions Spray Park.

Town council approved the advisory committee’s request earlier this spring to add more pieces to the park using $23,000 left over from the funds to move the equipment.

“We’re just waiting for deliveries,” said Waring of the new equipment. “Once the stuff is here everything will get going. We want that up and running for the kids in the summer.”

Turner Valley Mayor Kelly Tuck said it’s important to have a name for each of the town’s parks as they are integral parts of the community.

“That’s where people gather to have picnics and for children to play with other children,” she said. “This way when they’re talking about a space they are talking about the same space.”

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