Jacket Racket gets a warm welcome

Christine Bates, Jacket Racket co-ordinator, is kicking off the Jacket Racket program for 2016. The program accepts and hands out gently used outdoor clothing for adults and children over the next two months.

Keeping warm this winter will be easier for some families with help from a Turner Valley church.

The United Church is collecting gently-used outdoor winter clothing for adults and children over the next two months.

The clothing can be donated, exchanged or picked up in the church basement on Tuesdays between 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. until Dec. 13.

“It’s open to everyone,” said Christine Bates, Jacket Racket co-ordinator. “We are not going to be asking about their financial situation. Maybe people could use that money they didn’t use to buy a new coat for food or other areas of their life.”

For some people, Jacket Racket serves as an exchange – especially for families with children who have outgrown their jackets and need a larger size.

“If you have multiple children, having to replace that gear every year could be really costly,” Bates said.

The program is also an opportunity for residents in the area to get rid of winter gear that no longer fits or that they no longer wear.

“It’s an opportunity for people to give back some of the things their kids are done with that are still in really good condition,” she said. “People have been donating a lot over the years. We often have a couple hundred coats to choose from. We can generally find what they need.”

In addition to the racks of winter coats, Bates said a table is set up with toques, scarves, mittens and winter boots.

Bates expects little will be left over by the middle of December.

“With the change in the economy, we’ve seen an increase in the number of people accessing the Jacket Racket,” she said. “In years past I’ve taken quite a bit more coats to The Mustard Seed (a shelter for homeless and poverty-stricken adults in Calgary) and in the last few years I’ve taken less bags of clothing. It’s not because the racks aren’t full, it’s because people used it more.”

Carol Williams, who works at the United Church, said Jacket Racket has been going on since the 1980s and continues to support people in the region needing a helping hand.

“A mom came in last year with six little kids and she was so thankful to get jackets for six kids,” she said. “People just come and go. If you bring some coats in and see one you would like you are more than welcome to exchange them. They are thankful to have a coat for the winter.”

Those wanting to donate gently-used outdoor winter clothing can also drop it off at the municipal buildings in Black Diamond and Turner Valley, the Royal Bank in Turner Valley and Alberta Treasury Bank in Black Diamond.

Anyone needing access to the Jacket Racket outside of the designated hours can contact Christine Bates at 403-933-7016.

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