Leos holding Collector Fest at the Sheep River Library

Lil' Legendary Leo Collector Fest 2022 is on Saturday, Oct. 1 at the Sheep River Library in Turner Valley.

The Lil’ Legendary Leo Club is holding a Collector Fest at the Sheep River Library in Turner Valley on Oct. 1 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

Collectables such as pins, trading cards and stamps will be on display to buy, trade, or peruse. There will also be games, silent auctions and a bake sale. 

Foothills Lions President Tim Beer said the show is back and Leos are looking forward to it. 

“We’ve done this event a few times before, just the last couple years nothing’s happened due to COVID,” Beer said. 

Youth admission to the Collector Fest is free. For adults, admission is by donation to the Oilfields Food Bank. 

The Leos are Lions members who are 18 years old or younger. Taking part in events such as Collectors Fest is a good experience for the young community members, Beer said. 

“The Leos do all sort of little things,” Beer said. Pins especially “are a very good way for them to learn about different cultures, history, geography, because pins come from every source whatsoever.” 

Taking part in the Collector Fest gives the Leos a chance to interact with members of the community, through trading pins or other items, and to practice public speaking. 

The local Leo Club formed five years ago and is growing. There are currently 22 members, and the Lil’ Legendary Leo Club takes part in all kinds of things from helping out at the Lions Campground to decorating Christmas trees to doing highway clean-ups. 

Service clubs play an important part in small communities, Beer said, but with many in danger of disappearing, being part of the Leo’s gives kids a chance to see what the Lion’s club is all about 

“Lions is now trying to really revamp and get the youth divisions going so we don’t disappear,” he said. 

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