Mountie Moments: Person suffers burns in Millarville shop fire

The Turner Valley RCMP Detachment has provided the most recent edition of Mountie Moments: 

  • Two more impaired drivers were taken off the road this week. Visit the Alberta Administrative Licence Suspension Program at to see the penalties if you do not plan ahead and decide to drive while intoxicated. 

  • In the eastern portion of Foothills County, rural mailboxes were broken into and mail stolen. If you were expecting official documents like an operator’s licence or credit card and you believe your mailbox was broken into, call the registry, bank, etc. and let them know the documents have not arrived. 

  • A fire in a rural shop near Millarville resulted in one person suffering from burns. The injured person was transported to hospital. 

  • Please be very diligent and protect your personal and financial information. Visit the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre ( for some very good information. Remember, CRA, banks, police never accept gift cards or bitcoin for payment. 

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