Temporary fix for Turner Valley distillery turns into talks of red tape

Eau Claire Distillery president David Farran.

A request for a temporary trailer turned into a conversation about the red tape Turner Valley businesses are up against. 

Eau Claire Distillery's team has essentially run out of room and require more office space, so a request for a temporary solution was submitted to the Town in November 2021. 

The development permit, complete with several variances to be considered, came before council for the first time March 16. 

"When I see an RFD (Request for Decision) that's taken 115 days to complete before council hears it and I see a multitude of variances and loads of conditions, all I see is red tape layered up on red tape," Coun. Jonathan Gordon said. 

Variances included omitting the need for parking spaces and landscaping typically required by the land-use bylaw. 

"We've got to get to a place in town here where we are removing red tape," he said.

As no changes to traffic, noise or parking needs were anticipated, combined with the temporary nature of the development, staff recommended council approve the development permit as presented. 

Coun. Garry Raab amended on condition presented by staff in his motion to approve the permit. He wanted to see the permit be valid for three years instead of the two initially suggested. 

Eau Claire's president and founder David Farran informed council planning is underway for a permanent solution, but to get from concept to permits can take a long time. 

"We don't feel we can guarantee that will be done in two years," he told council.

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