Turner Valley residents invited to weigh in on Town spending

Residents are invited to offer their input on Turner Valley's upcoming operating and capital budgets at two town hall sessions next month. (Wheel File Photo)

Turner Valley taxpayers wishing to weigh in on how the Town should spend their money in the coming years have that opportunity next month.

Administration and council are asking the public to submit any recommendations, thoughts and questions they have about the 2021-2022 multi-year operating budget and 2021-2026 capital plan at virtual town hall sessions Nov. 3 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. and Nov. 4 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the second phase of the Town's public participation plan.

Phase 1, which ends Oct. 20, involved a survey that gauged how residents are faring financially and the impact the economic environment and COVID-19 has had on them.

Corinne Middleton, Turner Valley manager of finance and corporate services, said the town hall sessions will begin with a short presentation about the budget process and will reveal the survey results before the public input component begins.

“The expectation is questions will be submitted in advance and will be answered at the virtual town hall,” she said. “If there is a follow-up or clarification on the questions, this will be permitted.”

Residents must register to attend the sessions by Oct. 31, and submit their questions prior to the sessions, said Middleton.

Turner Valley Mayor Barry Crane said it’s important to garner public input due to the current economic situation and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It’s always good to check in with our residents and see where their priorities lie,” he said. “With one term left for this council we want to do a final check-in because we’re securing a two year budget. We really want to make sure we’re projecting the realities for the next council to be able to evaluate their priorities for their time on council.”

Tammy Rollie, OkotoksToday.ca

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