Unemployed Foothills residents are being offered help in seeking work.
MCG Careers is offering a virtual version of its Experience Counts program, which includes six weeks of online group workshops including resumé building, writing cover letters, gaining basic computer literacy skills and preparing for interviews, followed by four weeks of individual sessions.
The sessions kick off April 12 and facilitator Lyne Brown said registrants are encouraged to sign up as soon as possible to get the most of the program, which is open to those ages 45 to 68 – a change from previous years, when Experience Counts was limited to between 50 and 65.
“That really opens up the doors to reach out to more clients,” said Brown, adding their coverage area now extends into Claresholm and Vulcan.
“We’re offering it on Zoom right now, which has also helped us reach clients as far as maybe Claresholm, who were unemployed so the gas expense could add up over six weeks, so that’s a silver lining to COVID.”
She said Experience Counts is aimed at people out of work, who are currently in transition or have been laid off due to the pandemic.
A lot of the focus is on interview preparation, she said.
“There’s lots of confidence-building, because by the time they find us they’ve been looking for a while, so that’s definitely impacted their confidence,” said Brown.
She said beyond the content of the career and employment workshops and the personal development included in the program, there is a benefit to the group setting.
“I see how clients influence each other, how they can really help each other because they’re all sitting in the same situation,” said Brown. “That age group, they’ve got the life skills and the experience and background, so what I see that do for their confidence is really beneficial.”
They are able to share their experiences and encourage one another, she said.
Just being part of a group can have a positive impact on mental health, which comes out in self-confidence. The connection with others has been even more important since last March, she said.
“One of the greatest parts of the program is they’re seeing people every day, being out and communicating and interacting, engaging with people, and it’s done a world of good,” said Brown. “It’s much better when they’re on-site, but we’ve done very well at offering our programs over Zoom.”
The end goal of the program is to have clients find a job they enjoy, that hopefully pays well and includes benefits, she said.
Sometimes people are successful in their job search midway through the program.
“If they happen to get a job offer we actually celebrate that with them,” said Brown. “It’s sad to see them go because they form a bond real quick, they become like a team.”
MCG Careers programs are offered at no cost.
To register for Experience Counts call the Okotoks office at 403-995-4377 or the High River office at 403-601-2660.