Dear Editor,
I remember attending a Beneath the Arch concert featuring the Wyrd Sisters many years ago in Turner Valley. It drew many lesbians from Calgary to the sleepy little town. I observed one couple stand up and kiss. It felt to me to be more like a political statement than love. Either way, they certainly made an impression.
Mature adults are expected to express their free will. I have no issue with that. I understand wanting equal rights to express in life as one chooses, without persecution and without harm. Be proud of who you are if that is what you choose and live your lifestyle in peace. No one wants anything pushed in their face.
Premier Danielle Smith's stated intention to allow adults to decide if puberty blockers or top and bottom surgery is right for them is a wise one. Children need time to learn who they are, what their preferences are and how they want to express those preferences without pressure from a "fringe minority group."
These decisions have irreversible consequences that only an adult mind can truly comprehend. This is not a fad or bandwagon a child should be jumping on to satisfy the approval of queer adults. Let children be children.
As for the UCP, I highly doubt they or those who voted for them will feel offended for being banned from queer events. There are lots of issues that need to be addressed, for all of us, and I hope they will be putting that time to good use.
Roxanne Walsh
Diamond Valley