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Town of Okotoks seeks feedback on new downtown projects

Town of Okotoks seeking input on Our Plan for Downtown and Picture Our Parks projects. 
North Railway Street
The Town is looking to enhance the streetscape of Elizabeth, McRae and North Railway streets as part of downtown improvement efforts.

The Town of Okotoks is inviting business and community members to help shape the future of downtown through engagement events on the Our Plan for Downtown and Picture Our Parks projects. 

In Our Plan for Downtown, the Town is developing a comprehensive plan to guide private and public space redevelopment. This plan will leverage existing studies and past community feedback to establish the policy foundation for a cohesive and vibrant downtown area. 

Enhancing the streetscape of Elizabeth, McRae and North Railway streets is also part of the downtown improvement project. Design concepts are being worked on and will be shared with the community in the coming months.  

Also this year, the Daggett Street parking area along the CPKC rail tracks will be paved to increase parking capacity by approximately 70 stalls. Reverse angle parking will also be piloted to improve safety.  

Along with downtown improvements, the Town is upgrading Triangle and Pisttoo parks through the Picture Our Parks project. The redesign of these parks will provide welcoming, inclusive spaces for community members and connect seamlessly with the downtown improvements. The Town is working on design concepts for both parks and will ask for community feedback during the upcoming engagement opportunity. 

"The idea of elevating Okotoks’ downtown and the surrounding parks into lively gathering places is exciting,” said Mayor Tanya Thorn. “It's about creating a sense of community pride and boosting economic growth for years to come." 

The first open house, which will solicit feedback on progress thus far, will be held on Tuesday, June 18 from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Okotoks Art Gallery.  

There’s also an opportunity to engage online from June 18 to July 2 at 

“The questions and feedback we receive through our engagements are extremely important. The input we receive will be considered by the Town as we move to the next stage of each project,” Thorn said. 

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